Thursday, January 13, 2011

Chocolate and cherry

order dari anak opismate sy, en mat utk celebrate bday kawan dia. mula nyer dia nk cupcake yg ade logo liverpool, tp sbb order da last minit, sy x dpt nk buatkan. takpe, nnt next time klu nk order yg ade logo tuuu, adik bg tau akak at least, 1 minggu awal.. anyway.. appy besday to zaza..

                                                             15 pieces cupcakes
                                                                chocolate flavor
                                               Butter cream & Choclate ganache deco


1 comment:

  1. hehe...thanks kak...xpe2...
    next time boleh lg...huhu...
    sedapnye...rse cm xckup...ngeh3..
